This drink will destroy your bones from the inside but millions of people consume it every day

People eat and drink unhealthy things all the time. Some people are aware of the consequences, while others are not. Some know the consequences of these foods, but just don’t give a damn. This article isn’t about food, though. It is about a common drink that millions of people consume every day.

Roughly 25% of all drinks sold in America are soft drinks. Even though soda sales took a dive in recent years, about one-third of Americans drink soda or other sugary drinks. Since these drinks are typically marketed to people who are 18-24, it doesn’t set them up for a healthy future. Drinking soda can increase a person’s risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Below, we showcase a few scary things that can happen to your body when drink soda.





If you don’t want to have to depend on calcium supplements all your life, regulate your soda intake immediately. It greatly weakens the basic skeleton that our form depends on, leading to a lot of joint pain and other detrimental health damages.


It makes us fat. This comes as no surprise. You do not have to abstain from it once and forever, but drinking in moderation is to be practiced. It may even lead to hormonal imbalances.




Cirrhosis of liver is a very dangerous disease. This is akin to what alcoh.olism leads to. The damage of a very integral organ of your system is surely not what you’re winning to risk over a 2-pence can of slow-ki.l.l beverage.


The tooth enamel is severely damaged by these sugared soft drinks. Tooth decay is multiplied several times if we consume too many of these canned products. The acid quantity has detrimental effects on our enamel.


It manipulates our urinary tract and leads to accumulation of dirt in the kidney. This gives rise to the very painful and cumbersome, kidney-stone.


This is a very important issue, and you don’t know when it hits. Maintaining a steady and healthy body-mass is extremely important in order to avoid blood-sugar rise.

In USA, 69 percent of us are overweight and over 35 percent of us are obese. If these trends continue, one in three Americans could have Type 2 diabetes by 2050. This regulation and study is therefore extremely important.


The air molecules trapped in these beverages and the carbonated quality is extremely bad for our cardiovascular functioning. It can lead to your stomach being distended.


An extended period of blood pressure malfunctioning can cause severe damage to internal organs.




As stated earlier, our cardiovascular activities are severely affected by this. People, who consume too much soda, stand at a higher risk of heart attacks. It even causes fluctuations in our basic metabolism.


The level of acid in our stomach is important for proper functioning of digestive resources. If they fluctuate, or are obstructed, then the fuel that our body runs by will be hampered.

Soda may be the five absolute worst foods and drinks you can consume. Even though fat has 250 percent more calories than sugar, the food that people get most of their calories from is sugar from corn, or high fructose corn syrup.

According to USDA estimates, the per capita consumption of HFCS was about 40 pounds per year as of 2007, primarily in the form of soft drinks. Tragically, high fructose corn syrup in the form of soda, is now the number one source of calories in the United States.



However, instead of being scared of the harmful effects of soda-intake, you can do something greater: stop yourself. Since you are now completely aware of what soda does to your body, you have the conscious power to stop it from doing severe health damages to your body and wellbeing. Just by removing soda from your diet, you can see a major, healthy change being initiated in your body.

In fact, it has been controversially stated that, the effects of avoiding soft drinks or any other sugary beverage, is even higher than giving up on smoking. This observation has surprised several people, but it does hold true. Try it out yourself!

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